

The best of Scandinavian Outdoor



Sustainability by Outnorth

We have the responsibility to run our business as sustainably as we can. Our goal is to inspire more people to spend time outdoors, and therefore we must do our part to ensure that this will be possible for everyone in the future as well.

Like all companies, we have many challenges to face, but we take sustainability issues very seriously and will work hard and continuously to be a role model in the industry.



In the fight for environmental protection and against global warming, we have set long-term goals to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and become completely climate neutral. But we also see microplastics in the oceans, working conditions of our subcontractors, chemical issues as well as sustainable consumption as very important issues for our company.

We guide you. 

Through activities, products or on how to make the best coffee outdoors. Check out our guides and get inspired.

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The best of Scandinavian Outdoor
Outnorth work to make people stay outdoors and feel comfortable.
With us, you will find clothes, shoes and equipment for outdoor activities and training regardless of your experience or the level of ambition that you have.
We are Outdoor.


Outnorth jobbar för att få fler människor att vistas utomhus och må bra.
Hos oss hittar du kläder, skor och utrustning för aktiviteter och träning utomhus, oavsett vilken erfarenhet eller ambitionsnivå du har.

Träna ute i vårvädret – upp till 30% rabatt! Just nu kampanjpriser på utvalda produkter för träning i vårvärdret! Giltigt t.o.m. 2022-05-09



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Equipment Hire

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