Birch Bark Basketry Course

Birch Bark Basketry Course

The Birch Bark Basketry Course is a fascinating in depth look at what the birch tree offers as a recourse. The Birch is one of the most versatile trees in the world, for centuries man has harvested Its bark. Birch Bark Basketry as been used by indiginous cultures and considered as treasured resorce. 

It contains a high resin content which is ideal for making fire. Due to the bark being around 4 mm thick its a perfect material for building things like, canoes, shelters, utencils, bread & even shoes, can be made from this wonderful tree. Likewise the bark is white with scattered black fissures. The young twigs are typically covered in white warts, and feel rough to the touch. The bark becomes much more rugged with diamond-shaped crevices as it gets older.

In fact even the fungi that grows on birch can be used for all sorts of extraordinary uses. The tree in the spring can be tapped for is sap, which can be drank directly, even the sap can also be made into a syrup and is extremely tasty.


1 Day Minimum:  2 

Price per Adult:  3000 sek per day

Child 2500kr 6-13

The Course is only available from the middle of May-July, depending on the weather.

Course starts 10 am to 4 pm


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Off Grid Coordinates 63.215453, 13.104116










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Birch Bark Basketry Course